Friday, May 29, 2009

It's the weekend

The weekend is here. Not that it makes that much difference to my daily routine as I'm not getting up and going to work Monday to Friday but still the weekend is here.

The SU and I are going up north a bit this weekend to spend some time with my sister and her husband at Lake Simcoe (huge lake about 45 minutes north of Toronto). If we decide to stay overnight the only issue I have is that we'll be sleeping on the screen porch, attached to the cottage with screens on 3 sides instead of windows/walls, so it's pretty much outside just bug free.

The forecast for the temperature is not good. Cool and cooler. So we may just be making a day trip. Still 45 minutes each way isn't too bad, we'll see. If we have a wobbly pop or two we may just decide to stay and not change a drive home.

Internally here at casa condo we planted our herb garden. We did this the first year we were here but not since then. This year we decided to do it again and, as a result, we have pots out the wazoo. I haven't taken pics of the various plants yet but when they're up a bit more (they're all up now except the Rosemary - we started them all from seeds rather then seedlings) I'll take some pics and do a garden post.

Also, Monday I have my real estate agent coming to give me estimate of the price we'd get for casa condo if we were to sell. However, on the job front my phone has been ringing off the hook this week. So who knows I may have something and not need to sell after all. Time and good interview skills will tell.

Hope your weekend is good and that you have fun.

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