Monday, March 23, 2009

New toys

So as we're thinking of selling the ole homestead we're doing minor changes that we've put off. One of those was to replace the shower head in the guest bathroom, as it leaked.

To that end, the SU and I headed to the Home Depot on Saturday.

Wait let me start at the beginning.

Spring is here and as the weather has warmed the SU has gotten the green thumb itch, which is all fine, except that we live in a condo and don't a green space to play in. As we have a Home Depot right across the road, we often wander into their garden centre (hey it's close and we don't have a car - don't judge).

About a week and a half ago, we were walking into Home Depot and noticed a sign for a job fair. Now I know that the Home Depot head office (the Canadian Head office anyway) has a Training Department for the various stores, so I thought, if I applied and got something part time, it wouldn't impede my regular job search and might lead to a full time position in their training department. So I noted the date but not the time and planned to attend.

On the day of the job fair, I couldn't remember the time but convinced myself that it was starting at 1, so I showered, primped and shaved and headed there at one. Big mistake.

It had started at 11. By the time I got there the line was so long that they had halted taking any further applications as they had too many people.

I was mad at myself so since shopping, like eating, is one of my de-stressers I decided to wander around the store. It was then I happened upon the shower heads.

As I said we're talking about selling, if I don't find a job, and if we do there are small fixes we need to do before we put it on the market. So I took note of the model and price and the next time the SU and I went to the garden centre I showed him the one I wanted. We also looked new faucets for the kitchen and a new range hood.

We bought the shower head. A nice rain shower head with a long hose which is really convenient as we can take out plants into the bathroom and pull this right down to water them.

The first shower I took under the "natarul" rain fall I hated. I felt there wasn't enough water pressure. The second shower I just relaxed and really enjoyed it. Now I'm loving my new toy. (sorry no shower pics - nobody wants to see that).

I'm glad we bought, we didn't go top of the line but we didn't cheap out either, it's a nice head and fits well in out bathroom. The condo has pretty small bathrooms, the guest one is slightly larger then the master bath but they're functional.

In other news, I have had a head hunter cold call me about a job. No gaurantees and I won't go into details yet, until I at least get an interview but it was nice, it made me feel good after so much silence on the job front and it's a very good opportunity. So fingers crossed it works out.

I'm remaining upbeat and the changes I discussed with the head hunter for my resume and cover letter are, I think pretty good. So I have a renewed sense of purpose and a kick ass cover letter that I can tailor easily.

Need some luck and a break or two.


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