Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today I had an interview with a Financial Services company. I won't name names but they're on the web and a quick search of their name turns up with the words "Fraud" and "Scam" quite often, there are entire website dedicated to this company and their so-called recruiting techniques.

From many of the things I read it reminded me strongly of that AMerican mail order company that would find a WAY to reel people in then pressure them to recruit friends and families. I don't think it was so much about selling any merchandise as it was about bringing bodies into the meetings and signing them up. Not saying anything against that company, but it seemed Scammy and Fraudulent to me as well and awfully cultish.

Back to today, I went to the interview not because I was interested in a Sales Job (er, excuse me Entrepreneurial Opportunity) that is 100% commission based in terms of remuneration but because I wanted some practice with interviewing and I wanted to see, for myself, if all the hype was what it actually was.

The gentlemen I met with was extremely nice, I addressed the internet info early on and the lines he used to cover it were pretty much what the websites said they would say. So one for the websites.

We talked about me and my background, my aspirations, it was very much like a job interview which is unlike what the websites said was their process, so one for them.

He was definitely setting me up though to "buy" into their opportunity. And by buy I do mean buy as they will tell me (during the second of 3 interviews he's told me I'll have) that I require a license to operate and that the licensing fee is 200+. So not only will I not be earning a salary or wage but I'll be paying for the privilege of working for them, of selling the products and services. Yeah not so much. I can't officially award this point to the websites just yet but I will put a tentative mark on their side for now.

Overall the interview experience was good, not a chance in hell I'm going to become one of their agents but it was a good experience for me to go through. At least I think it was.

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