Friday, April 17, 2009

sunny days

I'm still unemployed but spring has truly sprung and with it comes warm sunny days.

Today it's about 70F and sunny in Toronto. A nice breeze, that can be a little strong at times, is blowing across the city. A good day to get out of the house and enjoy some outdoor activities.

So I grabbed a light jacket, which it turns out I didn't need, and headed out but was undecided on where to go.

First option: The beach. Toronto has extensive beaches as we spread widely along the shores of Lake Ontario. One of the longest stretches is not too far from my house. Kew Gardens or Woodbine beach feature a long boardwalk, jogging tracks, volleyball courts, rocky outcrops and man made piers that extend into the water. Not that it is warm enough to swim yet. The park system is extensive and there are plenty of places to sit, both in shade or sun.

Second Option: The Bluffs are a region of in Scarborough region of Toronto which feature small cliffs that rise high over the waters edge. Fronted by parks, and hiking paths both at the top and along the base of the bluffs it is an excellent area for exploring and taking in some fantastic views.

Option 3: The local Park. Over the last 2 years a new park was constructed just down the block from our condo. We've only been there once or twice but it's a pleasant little park, with a few benches (frankly needs a few more), expansive lawns (I guess they expect people to sit on the grass), 2 soccer fields (one with tiers benches or stands), a playground area for smaller tykes and a ball court for the older kids.

I choose door number 3 today and set out in black jeans, puma sneaks, a short sleeve shirt and a light jacket. With me I took my book, my ipod, my phone and sunglasses. All I needed for todays outing.

The weather was amazing, the breeze kept me from overheating and read quiet a bit of my book while sitting on the soocer field stands, as the few benches were all occupied and I did not wish to sit on the grass at this time.

I started to get a little pink after about an hour and half of reading in the full sun.

Tomorrow is forecast to be a duplicate of today. Woohoo.

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