Sunday, April 12, 2009

Recipe sharing Sunday

I'm going to start posting some recipes that the SU and I have been working on, where the recipes are our original creations we will note that, where they are sourced from someplace or someone else that will be noted (and the proper accreditation given, if I can remember where I got the original). In any case we will have changed the original recipe or instructions to suit our needs and the revised recipe is what will be posted here.

For my first posting, I'm offering of a classic, yet simple dessert that requires only a few minutes of prep time and is tasty, flavourful and always a hit This first recipe was found online sometime ago. I'm do not remember where, however, so I can not quote a source directly. We have changed the cooking instructions as we found the original to be a bit vague and added some notes and serving suggestions as well but the ingredients list is the same as the original.

If you try this recipe, please give me some feedback on how successful it was for you.

Here is your
Simple Chocolate Soufflé

Yield: 6 servings


1/3 cup of Sugar
5 Ounces of semi-sweet Chocolate
3 Egg Yolks
5 Egg Whites
A pinch of Salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Lightly butter one large souffle dish or 6 small ramekins
  3. Melt the chocolate over hot water (in a double boiler) and set aside to cool
  4. Place all 5 egg whites in a mixing bowl, add the pinch of salt and whisk (using a hand mixer or table mixer) until soft peaks form
  5. Add 1/3 cup of Sugar gradually while continuing to whisk
  6. Add the egg yolks (one at a time) into the cooled, melted chocolate -- it is important to have allowed the chocolate to cool so as not to cook the egg yolks
  7. Scoop about a cup (one or two rubber spatulas worth) of the egg whites into the chocolate and fold carefully
  8. Add the mix to the remaining egg whites
  9. Fold gently until well mixed, working fast but carefully so as not to deflate the egg whites

For 1 Large Souffle dish

  1. Bake in the middle of the oven until crusted on top and practically cooked in the middle, approximately 25-35 minutes

For 6 Small Souffle dishes

  1. Place the 6 small ramekins (soufflé dishes) on a cookie sheet, divide the mix equally among the six ramekins evenly
  2. Bake in the middle of the oven until crusted on top and practically cooked in the middle, approximately 18-25 minutes


Oven temps and cooking times vary greatly depending on where you are, you know your own oven, judge the cooking times accordingly and check them without opening the oven too often. You will have to open to check them eventually, though. The top should be firm and spongy while the inside is moist (use a small fork or toothpick to check for doneness).

For my own oven, I don’t even check the small ramekins until the 20 minute mark. You may want to check as early as 15 minutes in (20 minutes in for the large soufflé), the first time you make them at least – after that you should know, make a note on the recipe for yourself.

Be careful not to overcook the soufflé

The Soufflé will rise beautifully while cooking but collapse, somewhat, on resting – this is normal.

  1. Flavour the chocolate with orange extract for a delicious fruity flavor
  2. Add a shot of Baileys (or liqueur of choice) to flavour the chocolate - do not add too much

Serving Suggestions

For the large Soufflé, scoop a serving on a dessert plate

For the small Soufflé, serve directly in the ramekin

Top with sliced fruit (Strawberries or other fresh berries, Bananas, Kiwis)

Top with a scoop of Vanilla ice cream (or other flavours that won’t compete with the chocolate)

Add a dollop of whipped cream

Combine all of the Toppings above and serve with them all

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