Thursday, February 26, 2009

Condo board foolishness

Last night we had several of my family members over for dinner. Included among them was one of my brothers. He and I lived together our entire lives until I moved in with the SU so we're close.

A few years back, my sister was given as a pup a very small toy Pom but she wasn't able to take care of the dog properly so asked if we could take her. We agreed and Casey has been with us since then.

I say us but really she is with my brother full time. The condo we live in is a No Pet building. In Ontario, tenets in rental apartments cannot be denied the right to own or have pets but Condos are not covered but that ruling. Since condos are private buildings, or communities, it's up to the community to set the standards (in this case the condo board).

So no pets.

That, as it turns out is fine with the SU and I. We find that while we do miss having the dog around, even the cat for that matter, we do not miss the mess, the shed hair, the food on the floor, the kitty litter smell. So no biggie for us not to have a pet.

Other owners in the condo building have cats, some have birds.

What does all this have to do with a family dinner? Well since my sister was going to be there, my brother decided to bring Casey so sis could see her. Not something the SU or I mind.

This morning we get a letter from the Management Office, tapped to our door. Saying that a member of the staff had noticed someone entering our unit with a dog at 4am on Wed the 26th of February.

Several things wrong with that statement. Wed was the 25th, first off. My sister stayed over and was in bed by 11:30. My brother left, with the dog around 11. The SU and I were in bed by a little after 12. So who, I wondered witnessed anyone coming or going with a dog at 4AM???

The SU is a hot blooded Arab/Italian cross and he wanted to phone the office and go off on them about this letter. In the letter it pointed that the building does not allow any pets, of any kind at all. So dogs are definitely not to be permitted.

As I mentioned we know that other owners have pets (cats and birds) so we wonder what the hell the issue is with a dog, especially a dog that is half the size of an average cat.

The board does have the right to set these kind of policies with regard to owners having pets, but we don't see the issue with a visitor, who is not staying the longer then an evening bringing a pet along for an afternoon or evening.

We're very tired of this building's management. We've had run ins with them since we first moved in. They have very poor management style, the office manager is probably one of the snootiest woman I've ever met, very pretentious and filled (overfilled really) with her own sense of importance. When I begin working again, if we haven't already sold this place before hand, we'll begin saving immediately for a house and get out of here as soon as we can. Of course, we can't buy a house in an historic neighbourhood or in a place with a strong neighbourhood oversight committee.

In some areas they are restricted houses from having outside cloths lines, as it makes the neighbourhood look run down. At the same time they want people to use dryers less and save the environment.

I guess it's crap wherever you go or can be.

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