Wednesday, February 04, 2009

the search continues

I am continuing my job search, working some networks, getting the spousal unit to work his networks, and his co-workers networks. Scanning the job boards and industry boards for jobs. Looking at the news for companies that may be expanding (yeah good luck with that one) or just for opportunities to cold call (or cold mail) a company.

I think I'm doing everything right.

Still not one single bite.

I am not discouraged yet though.

We have some room to play and a few months before things become dire (finance wise) so we'll try to hang on and out last this.

In the meantime, the spousal unit bought me a WII and a WII Fit as my Christmas gift. I have been using it religiously each day since I received it which was a few weeks after the holidays, due to expected stock shortages right before Christmas.

Lest you think that I spend my whole day playing games when I should be looking for a job, think again. I do not touch the WII before 6PM every night, some nights not until around 10 but I try to keep it consistently within the same time frame.

So far, I haven't lost any weight, at least according to the scale in the WII Fit board but I do feel toner, tighter. I feel that my belly isn't sagging as much as it once did and my ass (always the first part of me to fit up) is looking fine!!! If I do say so myself.

The spousal unit and I both set up MIIs to begin the fit program but he hardly ever goes in to work out. The other day the WII Fit asked me to check on him and make sure he is OK since he hasn't worked out in a while. I about laughed my ass off.

I will continue to work out each day, as long as I am able to. At least the Yoga and Aerobics each day and targeted Strength training on alternate days.

I also realize that ultimately this is a toy and that I will need to move away from the "game" and into a real fitness routine at some point but it's a good, fun way to get me started again and so far I think it's helping.

I live in Toronto and I used to work out at the Y on Grosvenor in downtown Toronto, I miss it but my last job was outside the city limits in the the smaller community of Richmond Hill and I don't have a car. Being an inner city kid, my whole life, I've never really felt the need to own one. I do have a license and I do drive but I just rent when I need to. Getting from Richmond Hill down to the Y would have taken me a couple of hours on transit and then they Y is still 50 minutes by transit from my house. So I axed that. I did work out at a small gym in Richmond Hill for a while but I was still getting home around 9 each night, after leaving my house at 6:30 due to the 90 minute commute each way.

In my new job search I'm hoping to land something that is very close to either that Y or one of the other Y locations throughout the city. If I do, I will rejoin and work with the trainers there to develop a more rounded and complete training program.

Lots of plans and all predicated on finding that job. So back to work. As that is what finding the right job is - a job in and of itself.

Good luck to all in the same boat.

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