Saturday, February 07, 2009

Saturday night at the ole homestead

It's Saturday night.

The spousal unit is working, his store is doing inventory, so it's all hands on deck.

So I'm bored.

I've been playing WII all day. The Legend of Zelda. I went through a whole section without saving, rookie mistake number one, let me tell you. Needless to say I ended up doing a huge section over again. I've been on the current section for about on hour and just got too frustrated with my inability to jump straight. I put the game away before I was forced to break something.

This is what I've been playing all day.

I'm so bored, in fact, that I just took a few minutes to clean out the hall closet. I disposed of about 12 pairs of shoes that were so ratty and worn that they weren't even worth saving. Friends say to donate all the old stuff to goodwill but when something is garbage it's garbage. I don't want to contribute to the landfills but really ratty old shoes that I wouldn't wear (and, right now, I'm poor)-- How can I expect someone else to wear them.

Don't cry for me Imelda. Even getting rid of 12 pairs, I still have 6 pair of flip flops, 3 dressy black, 2 dressy brown, several casual brown walking shoes, 3 work out shoes, shower shoes. Suffice to say I could open a damn shoe store.

Those are only mine, I haven't touched the spousal units yet, and he has more then I do/did.

I think it's time for a general new purge. I still have my comics that I had collected as a nerdy teen. Not worth a fortune but several hundred at least. My office, here at home (also our guest bedroom) has become a real library. Bookcases line the walls, all are full and I have books stacked up on other surfaces in the bedroom and in the office. So it's time to purge some of those as well. Probably my history and sports books. I used to read a lot of history, religion (and history of religion), sports and biographies as well as sci-fi and fantasy books. I have a large collection of American Civil war books. Some were good and very interesting. Others not so much.

It been years since I've looked at them though. So I think it's probably time to get rid of them. Kijiji or Craigslist? I tried selling stuff on ebay before but I had problems with one buyer and that just put me off the entire site.

As far as collectibles and nicknack's are concerned, I have all my Disney miniatures and I think I'll get rid of those as well. Maybe not sell them or try to sell them, just donate them to goodwill, I'm sure someone with young kids would enjoy having them.

Alright, it's time that I went back to cleaning. The closet is clean now and it's time to hit the kitchen.

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