Monday, February 23, 2009

Wedding guest and Oscar night

So the wedding wasn't truly horrible. It was a simple affair, in a local hall. I think it was all done on a budget but it didn't suffer for that. It could have easily gone the way of the trailer trash set but instead it had a simple elegance to it. The bride was stunning, and the groom was a very sexy bear type who looked very hot with his shaved head and tux.

Our table consisted of the SU, myself and a coworker of his (sans date), her cousin (also a friend and former co-worker of the bride) and the cousins husband.

Woof!!! The husband was hot. He sat beside me at the table and had a habit of leaning back and adjusting either his package or his belt. I can certainly tell you it was very very distracting.
Both he and the wife were very nice people and we ended up having a really good time chatting with them. The husband wasn't too keen on dancing either (as I am not) so he and I spend most of the evening in conversation.

At one point he got up to go to the bathroom and I almost followed him. Just to check him out but I'd only had one beer and a cooler, so wasn't nearly drunk enough to be a slutty bear.

I behaved.

The only thing I found strange is that way the meal was served. It was served family style. Platters of food were placed in the middle of each table for all to share. I've never been at a wedding, well a North American wedding, that served the meal that way. I have been to a couple of Chinese wedding feasts and that is how they serve the meal.

Anyway, it just seemed a strange way to do it. The food, however, was excellent, started with a salad, followed by a pasta course, then the main meal consisting of Roast beef (served with bread stuffing???) and 3 veggies with gravy on the side. The beef was done very nicely and although it was well done, it was still very tender.

We left just as the bride and groom were heading to the airport to fly out for their honeymoon.

We came home and crashed, I slept solidly for about 7 hours (which is highly unusual for me.

Sunday we didn't do much. The SU wanted to try a recipe for Chicken Biryani that he'd been given, he went shopping for materials and I played Zelda on the WII.

Sunday night we watched the Oscars. At the risk of having to turn in my gay card, I don't usually enjoy the Oscars (or any award show for that matter) but I really enjoyed last nights show. While I've read 1 or 2 disparaging reviews of Jackman's hosting abilities I thought he did a fine job.

I really enjoyed the actor awards, how they brought 5 previous winners to introduce the nominees. I liked that the stage was smaller and more intimate then in previous years.
The kept it moving along with a good pace without seeming to rush the winners speeches (one or two times, I think the music started to come up).

Overall, I can't comment on the Slumdog win as I haven't seen the movie yet but was happy to see Milk recognized, as I did see and enjoyed it alot.

It's Monday morning now and it's back to the job search, calling headhunters today and trying to get a few appointments to get my name out there.

Luck is needed.

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