Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Tuesday and this definitely isn't Belgium

The weather is turning. Well for a few days anyway. It's the February thaw. Temps are on the rise and the mountains of snow are melting.

In one respect I'm thankful to be unemployed as it means that I won't be wading to work as I cross streets and wait for buses. Still I think I'd rather be working.

Yesterday I found a listing for a magazine (an e-magazine) editor. I won't really give details but it sounded like such a fun job. I applied for it even though I don't have the qualifications they're looking for.

As I was reading the proposed duties for this position it suddenly occurred to me that I'd really enjoy that role.

I drafted a kick ass cover letter, one that tried to link my training experience to the editing process. I do have to edit lesson plans for publication - at least I did - even if it is my own work that I was editing. The job description talked about providing clear instructions (the role was to edit instructional documents) and I drew parallels between being a facilitator that eases learners through a process, guiding them to a successful finish and the editor ensuring that the instructions are clear and easy to follow.

It's out there, I know, and as I say I'm not directly qualified by still it sounds like an intriguing opportunity.

I haven't lost focus though, I am still looking in my core search area, but I'm trying to broaden that search a bit, to give me a greater range of opportunities. This is going against what the outplacement firm that is helping with my search suggested, as they suggested setting firm goals and limiting your search to within the guidelines needed to achieve those goals.

In any other economy, I could see the sense in that, but in this economy? with so many lay-offs and closures? I think that my goal is to get employed right now. Yes I would love a full time training position that is 5 minutes from my house but the reality is those jobs don't exist.

All of the networking opportunities that I've used via family, friends, old employees and former co-workers have led to naught. I think I need a new plan of attack.

I think I'll stop this post now, as I'm beginning to ramble a bit and my "work day" should begin. I have to make some calls, review the job boards, research some companies, draft a few letters and get my ass off this blog.

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