Friday, February 20, 2009

It's that time, I guess

This is kind of personal. So I'll err on the side of caution and not give too much detail.

I've been unemployed for over a month now. Because the Spousal Unit was employed for part of the previous year, and I changed careers with a lower then expected base salary (and it turns out no bonuses or raises), we have depleted our emergency fund sooner then expected.

So that means that as I am on Employment Insurance (used to be called Unemployment Insurance but that was deemed to have negative connotations for those not working so the more positive EI was adopted) that I have limited funds to pay my bills. The Spousal Unit is helping but he has his own bills too.

It's that time, time to contact my creditors and credit card companies - yes I committed the cardinal sin of running a balance -- and ask to reduce my payments and my interest rate until I'm working again. I had hoped to avoid making these calls but I guess it's inevitable.

I probably should have done it when I first lost my job and we could have stretched a few months further but I was stubborn and stupid.

I am hoping that I won't have any issue with them reducing my payments or accepting the limited amount that I will be able to pay, better they get something rather then nothing, eh? I've already spoken to one and they said no problem just let them know how much and when I will be making the payments and they'll make a note.

I hate being in debt and we've talked about selling the condo to ease things but if I can arrange this then we are covered for the next 9 months, as that is as long as the EI payments will last.

The job situation is bleak. I haven't heard back from anybody (well one company asked for more info, which I sent them, followed up with them after sending it and followed up again to see if any decisions had been made) but that went no where.

Mind you, several of the jobs I've applied for have very long lead times - 5-6 week closings, so there is still a possibility for late Feb or early March for a few of them. My general thinking though is that they don't wait the six weeks, that if someone interests them they call right away rather then risk losing a good candidate.

I've gone to a few headhunters but they haven't responded or haven't found anything for me.

So, yeah, bleak.

Trying to remain positive and keep a good attitude but it's tough some days.

Enough of job shit.

Tomorrow we're going to a wedding. The bride is a co-worker of the Spousal Unit while I've met her once, I couldn't say that I know her and other then the my spouse, I'll know or be familiar with 2 or 3 other people (also his co-workers) that will be attending.

Now something you should know about me. I'm a wallflower. I hate parties and I hate crowds. Especially when I'm in the middle of them. Well that's not true I don't hate crowds, if I'm shopping at christmas, those kind of crowds don't bother me at all, I kind of feed of the energy of it all but a crowded bar, or a crowded house party - no thanks.

The Spousal Unit (henceforth to be called SU) loves parties, loves to dance and always has a good time. Me? Not so much. If it was a quiet dinner (4-8 people) at my home or someone elses house - I don't have an issue with that) but a large gathering I just kind of go into a shell and don't speak.

Last year he and I went to a work function (his) where I ended up sitting at our table by myself for most of the evening.

One on one or even 2 on 1 I can make small talk very easily, I can feel comfortable and relaxed, can speak intelligently on a wide range of topics, and enthusiastically and expertly on a few (Disney for one - visit for my aborted website for singles that are fans of Disney - started about a month before I met the SU and not touched since - bad I know).
However, put in that group enviromnemt and no go.

I may be changing though, as I think about this while I'm typing it up. At New Years the SU and I spent the evening with my sister and got dragged to her son's house for his big bash party. BORING!!!!! For me anyway. However, there was a young teen girl there that used the phrase "that's so gay" and I went off on her in the middle of the party. Not my usual thing at all but I think that people have to be aware of what they say and that it may be hurtful to others. It's funny cause, it ended up starting a long conversation between myself, the SU and some other guests that went on for over an hour and covered a wide range of topics starting with Gay rights, and tolerance in general and moving to the middle east and ending with the economy.

I really enjoyed that part of the evening. Maybe my teaching experience is allowing me to just relax and be heard in these situations where as before I wouldn't be comfortable speaking about anything.

The SU is going for his citizenship in 2 months, the process could take up to a year (before he's tested - though generally is 3-5 months) and then up to 6 months before the swearing in ceremony. He maybe be able to make the July 1st swearing in (Canada Day - think the Fourth - same deal for us but on the 1st).

After that and presuming I'm working, we'd like to plan a trip to Disney - I haven't been in 3 years and it's killing me. I mentioned the website above that I had pre-emptively started but done not a thing with. Well, I'd like to, at some point, actually do something with it, build some content. I think the idea is still valid.

My concept was to provide a place where singles that are big Disney Fans but don't necessarily have anyone in their lives that enjoy going with them - so many people see it as "for kids destination" and while it is that, it is not only that. I had envisioned a place to have travel tips, dining tips (sometimes it's awkward to eat alone), provide travel dates for those looking for others to spend a day or 2 with (not a dating site or hookup site but just a reference that could be used by singles) and some other ideas. Even though to add a page for favourite disney recipes or meals that individuals recreated based on a meal or food they enjoyed while at Disney.

For that reason, I haven't given up the site, I still own it. Just haven't had the resources or the time to pursue it any further. As a corrilary I even created a facebook group call Disney for Adults... I have one memeber and no discussions going on. If any readers have any ideas for content (on either the facebook group or the website), feel free to drop me a note or leave a comment.

I was going to post some pics of me working out on the WII Fit but damn they all look horrible and I look old and fat in them (ok I am old and fat but still), so I'll save you all the grief and just forgoe that small task.

I met my 2 week goal a little early and so I've just set a new goal for the next 2 weeks. Keeping them very reasonable but if I continue to meet them early, then it's too reasonable and I'll have to bump it.

Continuing to work out almost every day. I've unlocked all the extra tiles/games/activities. I'm really enjoying the Yoga and strength exercises. I saw another WII Fit exercise program called Personal Coach but I'm holding off on buying that until I start working again. And the SU and I started looking at fold up treadmills, something that will easily fit into the Solarium and can be folded up when not needed.

As well, the SU is finally getting his teeth fixed this coming week. He's been waiting for several years to get into the program offered by a local Universities Dental school, as that will save him about 75% of the cost of going to a commercial dentist. It's a lot of money but his benefits cover some of it and even though I'm not working, we can't pass this opportunity up, as he'd have to wait years to come back to the top of the list again. We're going ahead with it, not even an option not too. Plus he's saved for it, seperately from out emergency funds.

It's Dinner time, tonight's menu includes home made garlic bread, made with fennel seed dinner roles, fettucini in a home made tomatoe/pepper sauce with meatballs. Whatever is on your menu, enjoy the meal, enjoy the company and enjoy yourselves. Bon Appetite.

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