Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm married to Ugly Betty

So the SU has bad teeth. He needs his overbite corrected and because he hasn't been able to afford, his teeth have been pretty damaged. Almost to the point of needing to pull them.

However, he managed to get into a dental school program and they are fixing his teeth for him, at about half the cost of doing it commercially.

Yesterday we went to have his braces put on. The SU is almost 40. He's not too happy about having them at his age but the alternative (pulling teeth and getting dentures) was less appealing so he's got the braces.

They told him smooth food only for the first 4-5 days, nothing he has to chew and nothing too hot or too cold. Last night for dinner we made lentil soup, cooked until the lentil was pretty much dissolved.

The braces were supposed to be clear in the front and they are not the bright shiny metal that I've seen in some mouths but they're still visible. He's very self-conscious about it. It really doesn't help when I tell him I'm married to Ugly Betty. They'll be on for 2 1/2 years.

I've never gotten a blow job from a guy with braces before. Do I need to worry about getting anything caught? pinched? hmmm.

Keep reading for future updates about that very subject. Ummm Yeah, sure.

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